The stone tools recovered from the shelters, which are mostly broken and obviously discarded because they were no longer useful, provide a detailed picture of traditional hunting and butchering practices especially for large game. Prior to 1800 years ago big game were attacked and killed using an atlatl and spear while after then the bow and arrow had been adopted and was in use. The bone elements (i.e., body parts) recovered at the shelters clearly indicate that big game were partially butchered at or near the kill site and only the front and hind quarters transported back to the camps in the shelters. This is because the bulk of the meat is attached to the front and hind quarters and the other portions (e.g., spine, ribs and skull) had little food value and were not worth the effort. In addition, the leg and arm bones were often broken open to extract the bone marrow, a very nutritious element of big game.