Module: Early Missionary Activity

This module is in the review process and cannot be modified.

Created: Nik Sterbentz on 1/20/2011 12:11 PM

Approved by: Kevin Marsh on 1/21/2011 10:06 AM

Module Description: In 1831, a delegation of Nez Perce Indians ventured east to St. Louis seeking a meeting with William Clark, who was at that time the Superintendent of Indian Affairs. The purpose of the Indian emissaries is not entirely clear, and may have been about seeking medicine after decimation by disease. However, this first meeting, along with subsequent delegations of Indians, was seen by many religious authorities as a call for Christianity to step in and make converts of the Northwest Indians. The ultimate effect of early missionary activity was bringing western culture into northwestern Indian country and generally assuring prospective white settlers that the area was safe.



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Module Files (3)